
SHOPEE HAUL | Universal Laptop Silicone Anti Dust Ports (13Pcs) | REVIEW

15:30:00 / BY Danee
The silicone plugs My laptop ports with the plugs plugged in Store review Didn't engage much with seller. Just add to cart and pay. It is an oversea seller. Courier service review The delivery time  aren't too long. Just standard overseas delivery time. Product review Receive item correctly. Item is seal inside a sealed packet. Items are made from silicone so no worries for the item to break or anything. But out of 13 plug...

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SHOPEE HAUL | W.dressroom No.49 Peach Blossom | Review

13:20:00 / BY Danee
Store review So memula it stated that the price is RM14 for 150ml bottle which i see probably one of the most lowest and cheapest option among the other but then later the seller pmed me and told me that shopee messed up the price which the normal price was supposed to be RM28 per 150ml bottle. The item was already halfway (the unsuccessful delivery; read below) to me when i realized the private message....

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Nanas Madu

09:58:00 / BY Danee
Siapa kat sini baru first time nampak nanas kecik macam ni? hA kita sama. Masa ni boss yang datang bawak, dia kata "boleh makan nanas tak?" and aku katalah boleh, nanas memang favourite pun then dia kata dia ada beli sebungkus, dalam sebungkus tu ada berapa buah entah. So aku pun amik la satu sekali tengok kecik eh? Nanas ape ni kecik gila? So boss aku pun explain, dia kata inila nanas madu, nanas ni...

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