
Bommie&Nemo Adventure: Welcome To Our Family :)

15:41:00 / BY Danee
Assalamualaikum & hai lovelies :) Guess what, there's new family member in my family ^^ Meet Nemo & Bommie ^^. So after years and years, plead by plead akhirnya dapat jugak aku bela haiwan kat rumah *sobs* I mean like i wanna have cats tapi my mom tak bagi so i specifickan ke sugar glider acah acah je kot kononnya sebab nak protes. Setelah thousands of debates and stubbornness aku bela jugak sugars ni dan...

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Question & Inquiry : ANSWERED #1

10:00:00 / BY Danee
**Go the answered tag for more question . TQ** So i'm gonna put all answered question here altogether .You can ask me anything on the comment section below and i will answer it here aswell . keep scrolling down if for new and updated question/answer. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- so, finally yesterday i just notice that i have some question from my ask.fm and for some reason i didn't get any comment on my blogger notification (and somehow...

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WMA #1: FlappyDoge

12:06:00 / BY Danee
Happy Thursday semua :) Apa itu WMA? WMA stands for What's My Apps. Apa motif buat ni? Saja je disamping boleh berkongsi dengan korang semua on my yeah or nay apps. Kat google store tu terlampau banyak recommendation apps, either it worth it nak simpan dalam tablet tu yang nak tau tu. Ingat lagi tak game flappy bird yang pernah viral tak lama dulu? Sampai ada yang sawan main benda tu and oleh sebab kepopularitiannya...

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