Psoriasis 3rd appoinment, improvement, details and new medications

by - 13:36:00

Hi guys, Quite long update about my psoriasis.

So few days back aku dah pergi to my third appointment di HKL and this time doctor only check the skin condition and i have to say that it gradually healing within this two month. Last appointment is on October which is a counselling session ( they explaining about the medications and how to take care of the psoriasis infected area)

My infected area adalah di kawasan kaki, kulit kepala, belakang badan and few patches on both side of my nose, my forehead and the back of my ears. Area muka tak ketara sangat if you took care of it tapi kalau biarkan dia kering memang nampaklah kulit yang flacky tu. My severe area is kaki, kulit kepala and belakang badan. Dorang timbul macam red spot and gatal sangat. Most people kalau nampak dorang akan ingat benda tu sakit or pedih but no. Its hella itchy and makes us wanna scratch it so badly. Talk about itchy, dia bukan gatal ala-ala garu garu manja then rub it off, dia macam nak garu, nak kupil then nak garu lagi kat flesh yang dah kupil tu. Ibarat macam garu kesan nyamuk but masih gatal lepas garu then korang garu sampai flesh korang tercabut then garu lagi kat flesh yang luka tu. Honestly after the exposed infected area (kalau area yang terbuka like muka/tangan jari then part infected nampak dengan jelas) part gatal tu paling seksa. For those yang curious camne rupa red spots tu boleh click sini.

Doctor inspected my body (hanya scan dengan mata kasar) if there's any wound ( i take care of myself quite good so there is no big wound or injuries expect for few minor paper cuts) and found none, which is good sebab Psoriasis ni salah satunya akan tumbuh kat tempat yang luka.So kalau korang ada luka cepat cepatlah ubat and jangan garu! Dia tanya tempat yang diagnose masa first appointment tu macam mana so aku tunjuklah. Out of 100% it healed up to 80% for both legs. Before ni dia macam big red spot with flaky skin ontop of each other then ada small spots around my legs but now the small spots dah hilang and the big spot dah takda double skins yang bertindih and hanya tingal dark spot macam bekas luka je. So doctor pun terkejutlah dia kata condition aku more than okay. Actually based on the meds that the doctor prescibkan kat aku, sepatutnya within those two month benda ni dah boleh hilang completely (visually i mean not the psoriasis itself) tapi sebab pemalas ya rabbi nak tenyeh ubat kat badan sendiri tu yang agak terlepas skit schedulenya.

Aku ada jugak tanya doctor, "doktor, kuku saya ni memang takda ubat ke?" sebab previous appointment satu ubat untuk kuku pun takde, so out of curiousity aku pun tanyala. Unfortunately the doctor said that there's no medication for kuku, means you have to live with it. After muka dan kepala, kuku dan tangan akan jadi the third exposed area. In case korang tak tau macam mana rupa kuku penghidap psoriasis, click sini .

So after that, doctor prescrib me a new meds which is the same as before but lower concentration. Medication yang first dia bagi concentration steriod dia agak tinggi so kira ubat tu kalau pakai banyak sangat dia akan hakis kulit kita. Then dia tukar ubat yang untuk sapu ke kepala. Before, ubat tu dia coconut oil + something (i dont remember) untuk keradangan kulit kepala. Very sticky  but no smell. The other day dia bagi ubat bagi baru which is same concentration like before; which is from coconut as well but this one with more smelly smell.

Honestly dalam banyak-banyak ubat yang dia bagi aku paling banyak skip yang untuk kulit kepala. WHY? Sebab dia sticky ya rabbi pastu bile korang rinse off walau dengan shampoo sekalipun dia macam lut air, lalu je tapi tak basah. Tau tak macam wax? kalau lalu air dia tak basahkan? haaa camtulah.  Jenuh pegi kerja dengan rambut berminyak. TAPI ni kalau korang pakai dengan amount yang banyak. kalau sikit-sikit tak terkesan kot sebab masa aku ni adik yang tolong sapu, dia punya sapu sebemban pastu kat seluruh kepala tu yang jadi camtu tu. Nasib kat ofis  tak ada abang hensem kalau tak maluuu.

Other than that, doctor prescrib me:-
1. Sebitar shampoo
2. Aqueous cream (moisturizing cream)
3. The coconut oil (for head)
4. Acne gel cream
5. Steroid cream (face area)
5. Steroid cream (body area)
7. Itchy pill (eat only when its unbearable itchy)

They have their own scientific names but i don't know which is which expect for Aqueous cream.
That's all for today. Thanks for reading and do leave a comment or question in the comment section or email me if you want to ask something and need immediate reply/respond.

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